Santa brought a drone this Christmas! Stay tuned for gallery updates as I put this into the nearest tree 🙂
Alsace urbex day
Another photo day, this time crawling around old hotels in the Alsace. See the trip reports here: Hôtel Hercules – http://urbex.photosbydenn.is/fra-hotel-hercules/ Hotels unexplored – http://urbex.photosbydenn.is/fra-hotels-unexplored/ Colonial Hotel – http://urbex.photosbydenn.is/fra-colonial-hotel/ Brice Hôtel – http://urbex.photosbydenn.is/fra-brice-hotel/
National Day – Switzerland
Photograph of the Schweizerbundestag Fireworks. Oddly, the fireworks occurred on the day before …  🙂
Solar Eclipse 2015
Partial solar eclipse happened over Europe today and I managed to get a few photos.